[Solved] Installation Doesn't work on Mac - plugin error

I have an unregistered version. I made a screensaver from photos in both Windows and Mac versions. All looks fine, but when I tried to do a test install on my Mac computer I get this error message and it won’t continue:

utils.FixPlistForSaverBundle f=nil or not exists

I have no idea how to fix this. I’d like to buy it, but not if it doesn’t work.


Can you give us more information?

What OS are you running on?
What Antivirus software do you have running? Have you tried disabling it?
What version of iScreensaver are you using (Designer or Personal, and the exact 4 digit version number)?

OS = OSX 10.7.2

I have an anti-virus program that has never found anything. I don’t think this is the problem. I can’t seem to disable it anyway, only uninstall it.

Using the latest version, iScreensaver Designer

Again, I’m getting this message:

utils.FixPlistForSaverBundle f=nil or not exists


Please email us a copy of the Log window showing the error:

  • Open the screensaver installer
  • From the Windows menu, choose “Debug Log”, then click “Show All”.
  • Click the Install button and try to install the screensaver.

When the error(s) show up:

  • Click onto the log window, choose “Select All” from the Edit menu, then paste the results into an email and send it to us here : support (at) iscreensaver dot com.

8:11:41 0 1 Log opened: iScreensaver Designer 4 2012-12-03 20:11:42
8:11:41 0 0 Cmd: /Applications/iScreensaver Designer 4.app/Contents/MacOS/iScreensaver Designer 4 -psn_0_3093235
8:11:41 0 0 RB Version: 2010r1 2010.01
8:11:41 0 0 MBS Version: MBS Realbasic Plugin 10.1 (build 16309) Tue Mar 2 09:56:13 2010 (GMT)
8:11:41 0 0 OS Mac OS X 10.7.2
8:11:41 0 0 CPU: x86
8:11:41 0 0 RAM 4.0 GB
8:11:41 0 0 VRAM 256.0 MB
8:11:41 0 1 App.Open
8:11:41 0 1 Utils.SetNSURLCacheLocationToMemory
8:11:41 1 0 cPrefs.Constructor
8:11:41 0 0 cPrefsBase.Constructor
8:11:41 5 0 mProxyDiscovery.Load
8:11:41 7 1 mProxyDiscovery.Load no proxy found
8:11:41 2 0 maxRamToUse = 1024.0 MB / 4.0 GB
8:11:41 0 0 CheckEnv
8:11:41 0 0 QuickTime Version 7.7.1 Final
8:11:41 0 0 CarbonLib version 1.6.0.
8:11:41 0 0 MyCacheFolder = /Users/lcadd/Library/Caches/com.iscreensaver
8:11:41 0 1 tiPhoto.Constructor
8:11:41 0 1 iPhoto.Constructor
8:11:41 48 0 cXMLNode: skipping unknown tag : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8:11:41 2 1 tiTunes.Constructor
8:11:41 0 0 iTunes.Constructor
8:11:41 24 0 cXMLNode: skipping unknown tag : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8:11:41 0 0 cXMLNode: skipping unknown tag :
8:11:41 104 0 wSplash.stNag.Open
8:11:42 148 0 App.Activate
8:11:42 28 0 AppleEvent:aevt:oapp:
8:11:42 57 1 App.DelayedOpen
8:11:42 2 0 GetUniqueID: Designer-0
8:11:42 1 0 IPC.Designer-0.Listen
8:11:42 0 1 cHelperApp.DoSendCommand.Designer-0 not connected, queue :open
8:11:42 0 1 cHelperApp.Designer-0 DoLaunch: env ISCR_FLAG=-H ISCR_SOCKET=Designer-0 open -gn /Applications/iScreensaver\ Designer\ 4.app/Contents/Stubs/Mac/iScreensaver.app &
8:11:42 0 1 shell result=
8:11:42 1 0 GetUniqueID: Designer-Audio-0
8:11:42 0 0 IPC.Designer-Audio-0.Listen
8:11:42 0 1 cHelperApp.DoSendCommand.Designer-Audio-0 not connected, queue :open
8:11:42 0 1 cHelperApp.Designer-Audio-0 DoLaunch: env ISCR_FLAG=-H ISCR_SOCKET=Designer-Audio-0 open -gn /Applications/iScreensaver\ Designer\ 4.app/Contents/Stubs/Mac/iScreensaver.app &
8:11:42 0 1 shell result=
8:11:42 0 0 App.DelayedOpen.End
8:11:42 748 1 iPhoto.LoadXml took 1.16 seconds
8:11:42 37 1 iPhoto.ParseList took 0.04 seconds
8:11:43 703 1 IPC.Designer-0.Connected
8:11:43 16 1 IPC.Designer-Audio-0.Connected
8:11:43 28 1 IPC.Designer-Audio-0<-0 1 Launched
8:11:43 0 1 IPC.Designer-Audio-0->0 1 open
8:11:43 0 0 App.MessageReceive: 1 Launched
8:11:43 36 1 IPC.Designer-0<-0 1 Launched
8:11:43 0 1 IPC.Designer-0->0 1 open
8:11:43 0 0 App.MessageReceive: 1 Launched
8:11:43 53 1 iTunes.LoadXml took 1.99 seconds
8:11:43 97 0 App.MessageReceive: 1 Launched
8:11:43 0 0 App.MessageReceive: 1 Launched
8:11:43 53 1 iTunes.ParseList took 0.15 seconds
8:11:46 2480 0 wSplash.CancelClose
8:11:46 0 0 wSplash.Close
8:11:46 61 0 cRecentFiles.Populate
8:12:11 24084 0 cTimer.Action.wLogIt.RememberWindowPosition
8:12:14 3100 0 App.Deactivate
8:12:25 11679 0 App.Activate

I’d like to include the screen shot of the error message, but I can’t attach anything here. Just a weird thing, though, I closed my computer and the program and moved locations and opened it up again to try one more time. It worked. Then I made another one and tried it, and got the same error message. I have no idea what changed to make it work the one time and now not work again.

That log you sent is from the iScreensaver Designer program (the editor software). We actually need you to send us the log for the Screensaver Installer itself. Can you do that? Please read the instructions again and follow them carefully.

Sorry, there is no “window” and “debug log” on the installer, but found the log anyway. Here it is:

8:26:34 0 1 Log opened: iScreensaver 2012-12-03 20:26:35
8:26:34 0 0 Cmd: /Volumes/LULU BLACK/VIRUNGA/CAMPAIGNS & PROJECTS/2012-12-Christmas Campaign/Screensaver/VIRUNGA NP SCREENSAVER/3-flash/Installers/Mac/Install VNP Flash Screensaver Screensaver.app/Contents/MacOS/iScreensaver -psn_0_3212048
8:26:34 0 0 RB Version: 2010r1 2010.01
8:26:34 0 0 MBS Version: MBS Realbasic Plugin 10.1 (build 16309) Tue Mar 2 09:56:13 2010 (GMT)
8:26:34 0 0 OS Mac OS X 10.7.2
8:26:34 0 0 CPU: x86
8:26:34 0 0 RAM 4.0 GB
8:26:34 1 0 VRAM 256.0 MB
8:26:34 0 1 App.Open
8:26:34 0 1 Utils.SetNSURLCacheLocationToMemory
8:26:34 1 0 App.FrontmostMBS=false
8:26:34 0 0 maxRamToUse = 1024.0 MB / 4.0 GB
8:26:34 0 0 Max Texture Bytes (vram/4) = 64.0 MB
8:26:34 2 0 Cache=/Users/lcadd/Library/Caches/com.iscreensaver
8:26:34 0 0 Path=/Volumes/LULU BLACK/VIRUNGA/CAMPAIGNS & PROJECTS/2012-12-Christmas Campaign/Screensaver/VIRUNGA NP SCREENSAVER/3-flash/Installers/Mac/Install VNP Flash Screensaver Screensaver.app/Contents/MacOS/iScreensaver
8:26:34 0 0 Flags=-psn_0_3212048
8:26:34 0 1 ChangeMode: none–>Install
8:26:34 0 1 GetModule entire=false process=false threaded=false
8:26:34 0 0 cModule.cModule
8:26:34 0 1 App.BundleFolderMBS = /Volumes/LULU BLACK/VIRUNGA/CAMPAIGNS & PROJECTS/2012-12-Christmas Campaign/Screensaver/VIRUNGA NP SCREENSAVER/3-flash/Installers/Mac/Install VNP Flash Screensaver Screensaver.app
8:26:34 0 1 OpenArchive getEntireArchive=false /Volumes/LULU BLACK/VIRUNGA/CAMPAIGNS & PROJECTS/2012-12-Christmas Campaign/Screensaver/VIRUNGA NP SCREENSAVER/3-flash/Installers/Mac/Install VNP Flash Screensaver Screensaver.app/Contents/.Archive/Archive.isc
8:26:34 2 0 found LEtag, skipping rest of items
8:26:34 0 0 OpenArchive took 2 msec
8:26:34 0 0 cXMLNode: skipping unknown tag : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8:26:34 0 0 cXML parse took 1msec
8:26:34 0 1 Unregistered, expires 2012-12-10
8:26:34 0 0 SetFromcXML doc took 0msec
8:26:34 0 1 App0.GetModuleFinished aborted=false
8:26:34 1 1 cPrefsSaver.Constructor, moduleName = 0A44E46A, forceDefault = true, dontSave=true, screen=0
8:26:34 0 0 cPrefsBase.Constructor
8:26:34 0 1 cPrefsSaver.Load
8:26:34 0 0 cPrefs.Load: using default values
8:26:34 1 0 App.Open.End
8:26:34 20 1 AppleEvent:aevt:oapp:
8:26:34 31 0 cTimer.Action.App.TransformToForegroundApplication
8:26:34 0 1 App.TransformToForegroundApplication
8:26:34 2 1 result= 0
8:26:35 947 0 cTimer.Action.App.MakeMeFrontProcessCallback
8:26:35 0 0 App.MakeMeFrontProcess: true
8:26:35 13 0 App.Activate
8:26:36 987 0 cTimer.Action.App.showWInstall
8:26:36 37 1 Install.Open()
8:26:36 0 0 wInstall.SetMyVisuals
8:26:54 17144 0 cTimer.Action.wLogIt.RememberWindowPosition
8:27:16 21960 1 wInstall.pbInstall.Action
8:27:18 2120 1 QuickTime plugin desired=‘7.7.1’
8:27:18 0 1 hasQuickTimeContent=false, skipping version check
8:27:18 0 1 Flash plugin desired=‘11.4.402’
8:27:18 43 1 Flash plugin version=‘11.4.402’
8:27:18 1 1 OpenGL plugin desired=‘2.1.0’
8:27:18 0 1 hasOpenGLcontent=false, skipping version check
8:27:18 0 1 tInstall.Run
8:27:18 4 1 Progress.open
8:27:18 414 2 Installing Screensaver: VNP Flash Screensaver
8:27:19 21 1 Install to ~/Library/Screen Savers
8:27:19 1 1 Install destination=/Users/lcadd/Library/Screen Savers/VNP Flash Screensaver.saver
8:27:19 28 1 Utils.FixPlistForSaverBundle
8:27:19 3 1 Utils.FixPlistForSaverBundle f=nil or not exists
8:27:24 5226 1 Cleanup: Deleting /Users/lcadd/Library/Screen Savers/VNP Flash Screensaver.saver
8:27:24 0 0 SafeTrash /Users/lcadd/Library/Screen Savers/VNP Flash Screensaver.saver

Thanks, and I apologize for misleading you on the location of the Log window command.

It’s still looking to me like this may be an antivirus software malfunction - can you provide some details on what software you use (name + version number) and try uninstalling it to see if that fixes the problem?

OK, I uninstalled anti-virus and restarted the computer. It seems to work now, but want to try a new one before verifying this. If it’s really the anti-virus, then I’ll have to make sure I tell people who try to install it.

I have two more questions:

  1. If I buy the program, will the small box in the bottom left corner of the screen with the photo file names disappear? It’s right over top of the logo and really ugly. Also, is there any control over the screensaver like length of time a photo is on screen, the zoom in and out, etc.?

  2. I work for a non-profit, but I want to use this screensaver as part of a Christmas thing for people who want to donate - a thank you, as well as to remind people to donate if they have the screensaver . I’m assuming this fits into your rules for non-profits. If not, let me know.

thanks for the help,

Can you let us know the name/version number of the antivirus software? We may be able to work with them if it’s a bug.

In answer to your questions:

  1. Yes and Yes, see the FAQ and the user manual.
  2. Yes, a non-profit organization can buy at the discounted price.

Hope this helps!

I asked this question yesterday: “If I buy the program, will the small box in the bottom left corner of the screen with the photo file names disappear? It’s right over top of the logo and really ugly.” (see above). You answered yes. I bought the program. It is still there, right over top my logo. Not only does it ruin the look of the screensaver, it’s RIGHT OVER MY LOGO. For me to move the logo on every single photo would not only take me hours of work, it will look bad, and I would not have bought this program if you had told me. I’m very very unhappy. A complete waste of money. I bought the non-profit version.

Never mind. I think I found how to remove it.

Removing the filename overlay in the first item in the FAQ: http://iscreensaver.com/forum/discussion/93/iscreensaver-faq-frequently-asked-questions/p1