Everything is ok when creating the screensaver, but when I install it, it appear an “iScreensaver debug” window with the message: 2047, Lvl 3, GetSplashPicture for file B48413B5.png
What can I do?
I have iScreensaver Designer 4 PRO, version
Thank you for your help,
Maybe can help: the error is related with the picture in Controls and Installer popup. When I install the wallpaper I see the original image and not my .png image.
I’ve never seen this problem before.
This message indicates the program is having trouble loading the image you chose for a splash screen (the background image in the Controls or Installer window).
perhaps you selected an invalid image file. Try using a different image - make sure it fits the dimensions specified. Fully rebuild your screensaver.
the system you are running on doesn’t meet specifications, and may not have the PNG libraries installed (see http://iscreensaver.com/requirements.shtml )
If you would like, contact us via email and give us a copy of your screensaver installer for us to test?
You’re absolutely right, the problem was in finding the image (I change the location after insert it), so thank you very much for your help!
Glad you figured it out, and this is an important point: Once you add an image, movie, SWF or other asset to an iScreensaver project, bad things will happen if you move,rename, or delete the file while the project is open.
If you re-open a project and some file(s) are missing, iScreensaver will warn you and help you locate the missing files, but it doesn’t do this function while a project is open.