Hi all and thank you for accepting me on this forum, plus I love your program. Out of the many that I tried and they all failed, yours has come out with flying colours.
No before I purchase this wonderful program I have one major problem. I have build a screen saver using 5 still images and 10 30 second videos to the value of 655 MB in the WMA format. The still images at the beginning change correctly although “slowly” but the video clips come to a dead stop with a 3 to 4 second delay before the next one starts. When played in the WMA format the videos meld seamlessly but not in the Screen Saver configuration. Is this normal or have I done something wrong when setting up the images as I don’t want any delay between each clip. Please can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong or is it just the program. Thank you in advance.
That doesn’t sound right. in iScreensaver, videos can actually do a “fade” effect where the second video starts before the first video has completed.
- WMA is usually considered an audio format - are you using music only? Or are you using videos. Perhaps we are confused.
- We normally don’t recommend using Window Media audio or video (WMA or WMV) files. Are you able to try converting thes to normal MP4 video files?
I created the video clip and saved it in WMA (just checked with Google and yes I was wrong, WMA stands for Window Media Audio, thank you for that I have learnt something new) and also MP4 format (video format). The WMA plays perfectly but the MP4 was utter rubbish and hence was deleted. No, I am using a video with the accompanying sounds of water running over a waterfall but no added audio. I have looked and not found the “fade” effect.
Thank you for your help and will go back and try again in MP4 - Is there a better format that is more compatible with iScreensaver?
Okay I have been back in and created another file but with out the still images. At the end of each individual video clip and before it changes to the next clip it stops for about 3 seconds and then changes and starts playing the next clip straight away, how do I stop this happening and make it play straight through?
The other thing I forgot to mention is that I am using two monitor but the video will only play on one monitor, is this a iScreensaver problem or my computer set up problem?
Once again thank you for your help who ever can help me.
Please give us a little more information:
- Mac or Windows?
- What version of iScreensaver are you using? ( is our current version)
- What version of OS are you using? If on Mac, from the Apple menu, choose “About this Mac” and you will see somthething like this:
1 Windows
2 Current version (latest downloads)
3 Windows 10
Thank you - For Windows, please grab a little more data:
- from the start menu, type 'Winver" (without the quote marks) and hit the Enter key.
You should see something like this:
Microsoft Windows
Version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.2251)
we have seen an issue where on Windows 10, videos may not play on a second monitor. This appears to be a windows / video driver bug. One solution is to run Windows Update as many times as needed until your Windows 10 system is fully updated. This doesn’t always help: Windows 10 does update video drivers, but often the drivers are fairly old. A second method is to go directly to the manufacturer of your video card (the GPU) and get new drivers there. Examples: NVIDIA : https://www.nvidia.com/download/index.aspx AMD 1. https://www.amd.com/en/support
The problem with videos stalling at the end might also be a driver problem, but it sounds more like an issue with the video encoding. Please check out https://iscreensaver.com/help/notes/video_encoding/video_encoding.shtml1. and try playing with various video encoding settings.
2. We are happy to test your screensaver on our own systems here. If you can, please make a zip file containing your iScreensaver project file and let us download it.